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Verstecke Übersetzung- ","footer":"This project and Ayat program and Ayat - Al Quran for android were developed by the ETC at King Saud University","feedback_form":"feed back - help","contact_title":"Contact us","contact_name":"Name","contact_email":"Email","contact_msg":"Message","contact_send":"Send","contact_done":"Message Sent Successfully , Thank You","contact_err_name":"Please make sure you typed the name correctly","contact_err_email":"Please make sure you typed the email correctly","contact_err_msg":"Please make sure you typed the message correctly","contact_err_failed":"Sorry internal error occured please try again later","info_title":"About","info_thanks":"About","info_thanks_cont":"Special thanks to King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an (source of Quran images files) , Tanzil.net (source of Quran text and translations) , mosshaf.com (source of Tafasir (explanations)) and Verse by Verse Quran (source of recitations audio files).","info_about_cont":"KSU - Electronic Mosshaf project \"Ayat\", you are now browsing the desktop interface, the project also provides a mobile interface , a desktop program \"Ayat\" , an Android App \"Ayat\" , an iOS App \"Ayat\", a Facebook App and a Twitter App","info_about_cont2":"KSU - Electronic Mosshaf project \"Ayat\", you are now browsing the new desktop interface (switch to the old one) , the project also provides a mobile interface , a desktop program \"Ayat\" , an Android App \"Ayat\" , an iOS App \"Ayat\", a Facebook App and a Twitter App","info_warn_cont":"Disclaimer: No translation of Quran can be a hundred percent accurate, nor it can be used as a replacement of the Quran text. We got Quran translations from Tanzil.net website, we cannot guarantee their authenticity and/or accuracy. Please use them at your own discretion.","hfloat_download":"Download","hfloat_download_ayat":"Download Ayat","hfloat_mobile":"Mobile Interface","hfloat_info":"About","hfloat_embed":"Embed the project","hfloat_contact":"Contact us","hfloat_back":"Back","hfloat_lang":"Language","hfloat_share":"Share","hfloat_pro":"Project parts","proj_main":"Main Interface","proj_main_des":"This is the main interface of the project","proj_mobile":"Mobile Interface","proj_mobile_des":"An interface which is optimized for mobile devices and pocket PCs","proj_desktop":"Desktop Program","proj_desktop_des":"Downloadable software 'Ayat' which is supporting Windows, Linux and Mac OS","proj_android":"Android App","proj_android_des":"Ayat application available for download in the android market","proj_ios":"iOS App","proj_ios_des":"Ayat application for iPhone and iPad","proj_fb":"Facebook App","proj_fb_des":"Facebook Application which posts Aya(Verse) daily to your wall","proj_tw":"Twitter App","proj_tw_des":"Twitter Application which tweets Aya(Verse) daily to your account","proj_print":"Printable version","proj_print_des":"Printable version for both tafasir and translations","desc":"Comprehensive Quranic project with unique features.","sh_desc":"Comprehensive Quranic project with unique features.","trans_do":"Translation is not available yet, would you like to contribute in it, it needs just few minutes Yes of course | No I Cant.","embed_title":"Embed","embed_desc":"Add this code to your site to display the Quran project :","share_title":"Share","share_proj":"Share","share_fb":"Share via Facebook","share_twt":"Share via Twitter","follow_fb":"Follow us on Twitter","follow_twt":"Like us on Facebook","app_fb":"Ayat Facebook App","app_twt":"Ayat Twitter App","app_fb_desc":"Facebook Application which posts Aya(Verse) daily to your wall","app_twt_desc":"Twitter Application which tweets Aya(Verse) daily to your account","app_fb_cap":"Register Now!","app_twt_cap":"Register Now!","lang_key":"german_english_475","of":" von ","open":" Offen ","close":" Close ","back":" Zurück ","done":" Fertig ","failed":" fehlgeschlagen ","language":" Sprache ","help":" Hilfe ","repeat_working":" Wiederhole derzeitige Einstellungen aktiv ","repeat_notifyAway":" Bitte Wiederholungseinstellung beenden-durch Beendigung- um auf andere Seiten zuzugreifen ","download_title":" Download ","download_boundry":" Download Grenzen ","download_startBu":" Start ","download_resumeBu":" Zusammenfassung ","download_pauseBu":" Pause ","download_stopBu":" Abbrechen ","download_downloadingtafasir":" Download Tafsir ","download_downloadingtarajem":" Download Übersetzung ","download_downloadingDone":" Downloaded ","download_downloadingReq":" Angefordert ","download_audio":" Download Recitations ","download_images":" Download Quran Seiten ","download_tarajem":" Download Übersetzungen ","download_ttarajem_key":"Übersetzungen und Erläuterungen ","download_ttarajem_tafaser":" Erläuterungen ","download_ttarajem_tarajem":"Übersetzungen ","download_msg":" Sie können mehrere Dateien parallel downloaden ","alert_defTitle":" Warnung ","err_fnf":" Entschuldigung, Datei wurde nicht gefunden ","err_fnf_tarjama":" Entschuldigung, sie müssen die benötigte Übersetzung herunterladen ","err_fnf_tafsir":" Entschuldigung, Sie müssen den benötigten Tafsir herunterladen ","err_fnf_audio":" Entschuldigung, Sie müssen die benötigte Audidatei herunterladen ","err_fnf_img":" Entschuldigung, Sie müssen die benötigte Bilddatei herunterladen ","err_fnf_download":" Jetzt herunterladen? ","upd_avail":" Es gibt eine neue Version und es ist sehr empfohlen diese zu aktualisieren ","upd_avail_must":" Es gibt eine neue Version und Sie müssen diese herunterladen um fortfahren zu können ","upd_okBu":" Aktualisierung ","upd_noBu":" Abbrechen ","upd_insBu":" Start Installation ","upd_downloading":" Update wird heruntergeladen ","upd_downloaded":" die neue Version wurde erfolgreich heruntergeladen ","upd_failed":" Entschuldigung, Download der neuen Version fehlgeschlagen ","upd_patched":" Updater hat einige Inhalte erfolgreich aktualisiert ","ptc_extring":" Inhalt wird aus Datei extrahiert: ","ptc_extred":" Inhalt wurde aus der Datei extrahiert: ","hlp_p10":" Ayat ist die Desktop Version der KSU Holy Quran Projekt, welche Ihnen alle Funktionen der Online Version bietet ohne Zugang zum Internet zu benötigen ","hlp_p20":" Um das Programm ohne Internet nutzen zu können müssen Sie zuerst die Inhalte auf Ihren PC herunterladen(Audio-Dateien für die Rezitation, Bilddateien (gescannte Koranseiten), Übersetzungsdatei), es gibt drei verschiedene Arten den Inhalt herunterzuladen: ","hlp_p30":" Landen sie den Inhalt per Downloadpanel herunter (auf der linken Seite das Bildschirms) welche Sie befähigt die Audio-Dateien für die Rezitation, Bilddateien und Übersetzungsdateien herunterzuladen. ","hlp_p60":" Laden sie die Patchdateien, welche die benötigten Inhalte beinhalten herunter, diese Patches erhalten Sie auf der Programm-Website. ","hlp_p70":" Download auf Anfrage-das Prgramm wird versuchen fehlende Inhalte herunterzuladen und zwischenzuspeichern, sodass es für die Offlinenutzung vorhanden ist, z.B. wenn Sie Sure Al-Fatiha ausprobieren wird das Programm versuchen die benötigten Audiodateien herunterzuladen und zwischenzuspeichern. ","hlp_p75":" für weiter Hilfe besuchen sie bitte die Webiste des Programms ","hlp_p77":" Installierte Version ist: Check Neueste ","hlp_p80":" Besonderen Dank an: ","hlp_p90":" Besonderen Dank an König Fahd Complex für das Drucken das Heiligen Koran (Quelle der Quran-Bilddateien), Tanzil.net (Quelle der Qurantete und Übersetzungen), mosshaf.com (Quelle der Tafsire (Erläuterungen)) und Verse von Verse Quran (Quelle der Audiodateien für die Rezitationen) ","dir":"ltr"}
Special thanks to King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an (source of Quran images files) , Tanzil.net (source of Quran text and translations) , mosshaf.com (source of Tafasir (explanations)) and Verse by Verse Quran (source of recitations audio files). Disclaimer: No translation of Quran can be a hundred percent accurate, nor it can be used as a replacement of the Quran text. We got Quran translations from Tanzil.net website, we cannot guarantee their authenticity and/or accuracy. Please use them at your own discretion.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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Translation is not available yet, would you like to contribute in it, it needs just few minutes Yes of course | No I Cant.